John Hagan FTDNA kit 646978      Work in Progress:  updated May 2022

1.0 Introduction
Cenél Fergusa, kindred of Fergus sometimes called Cóelbad after his son. They are descended from the reputed family line "Niall of the Nine Hostages" and earlier from Conn of a Hundred Battles, (of Connachta). His family ancestry goes: Fergus m (or mac, son of) Muiredach m Eógan mac Neil m Niall of Nine Hostages. Because the Celts did not record, in writing, their history and exploits we need to evaluate archaeological evidence with historical writings often recorded centuries after the event. However, sometimes others have recorded the events and sometimes the tales have a seed of verifiable truth in them. It is known that children could recite up to 20 generations - just as we learn the alphabet. DNA sequencing is now playing a valuable part too.

Over the centuries many septs have followed from Eógan mac Niall.

The above tree shows O´Hagan arose from Ogain (Ocain and that Raghnall O´Hogan was the first person to use the name). Likewise O Cuinn arose later Muirchertach O Cuinn of Tyrone. Tyrone was so called through the conquests of Tir Eoghain - Land of Owen after they moved from The Grianan of Aileach eastwards.
These are the clans from Éogain:

The names from given above for Cenél Feargusa do not include the many English phonetic translations, only Quinn for ÓCoinne is given. This is a full list of clann names for Cenél Fergusa:

Ó hÁgáin - ÓHagan, Hagan, Haggens, Higgins

Ó Coinne - ÓQuinn, Quinn, Quin, Conney, Quinney

Ó Maelfabhail - MacFall, MacPaul, Fall, Paul, Mulfoyle, Lavelle

Ó Mealláin - ÓMallon, ÓMellan, Mallon, Mellan, Mellon

Ó Bruadair - ÓBroder, Broder

Ó Cearnaigh - Kearney, Carney

Ó Robhartaigh - ÓRoarty, Roarty, Rafferty

Ó Doirighe, Ó Daire - O'Derry, Derry

Gilliland has been added to the list where currently (May2022) there are 6 members; 2 at R-M269, 3 at FGC64969 and one at BY94024.

The Genetichomeland site for FGC64969 gives a sequence from R-S588 > BY11735 > BY11733 > S7049 > FGC64966 > FGC649969 & that branches to BY94024

The Dal Cuinn site gives a sequence for the Hagans & Fagan from R-S588 block FT165097 > BY11735 ? BY20515 > TBT10226 & TBT10227

block Cland Ó hÓcáin FT165098 > FT90827 > BY11733 > BY11734 > BY11736 > BY11737 > MF229268 > TBT10228 & TBT10229

Here the block splits to 4 branches:
(a) BY57627 > FT165099 (Fagan, FTD-383329)
(b) FT135792 > BY88938 (Hagen FTD-B307499) and BY123238 > BY219560 F17047 (Hagan FT646978)
(c) BY18234 > BY113640 > A16087 > A16088 (Hagan FTD-385588)
(d) BY18196 > BY24275 > A16089 > A17589 > A17592 > A17593 (Hagan FTD-492044)

The images below update regularly as new data is gathered. The upper one compares that from FTDNA and Dal Cuinn but with a question mark over 4 markers that from NG (Nebula Genomics) WGS x30 (whole genome sequencing) only gives lower than 30% mutation. I do not know the raw data of the others in the group.


This image gives the first 67 DYS STRs (short tandem repeats). They are relatively closely matched - hence are probably related within the historical period. The rows are in the same order as above. Analysis below.

By using the y-utility for the above results from at it is quite simple to find both GD (genetic distance and TMRCA (time to the most common recent ancestor)

Copied from the FTDNA Cenel Eoghain Y DNA Project: Section R-S588 > FT165097 Cenél Fergusa (Hagan, Gilliland) these results give the GDs and TMRCAs.

There is a pattern from grouping names against TMRCA from Hagan 646978